Our X-Factor Program (XFP) is for those people or organizations who want to feel safe and protected from threats - without the presence of firearms.
Our program is simple and personalized for the needs of your home and place of work.
You will have a dog selected, raised, trained and integrated into your family, by proven experts in the field of military working dog and police dog selection and training.
You can have the dog’s behaviors tailored specifically to your applications and needs. Our XFP Program is an exclusive service in every sense of the word and takes 8-12 weeks from selection to placement in your home.







Step 1: Evaluate your needs

Evaluate why the individual, family or organization needs personal canine protection. We spend hours discovering what you want the dog to do and is capable of what you are asking for.

  • Current personal threats
  • Home or place of work suitable for dogs
  • Amount of time needed with your dog
  • Assessing your individual or family needs

Evaluation is conducted over the phone or teleconference. 1-hour assessment. Nothing is needed to be prepared.

Step 2:

After the discovery phase we go to our trainers and narrow down the dog selection to three of our elite protection dogs. Matching needs with the right dog. In the SF-area you can visit your placement dog to see if the fit is right. Out of the area, travel to SF or travel to your location is possible - costs are incurred.

Step 3:

After we narrow it down to the right dog for the family. We test it for six weeks without the client to make sure the dog knows its job 110 percent without any errors. Obedience, House and Work, and Protection training. Lots of repetition across multiple threat scenarios. Provide real “home” environment training prior to final placement.

Step 4:

We then deliver the dog to the family and have them bond with it for three weeks. At this stage we do not tell the client to give any protection commands . We have the family just give the dog basic obedience. Frequent check-ins. Mini daily obedience routine. Once this is completed we go to the next step.

Step 5:

The final phase lasts three to four weeks of private training on protection and where protection is needed most. We keep in touch with families for the lifetime of the dog and any issues arise we will come out and fix the issues immediately.

2-year health / training and obedience lifetime guarantee

2-year health / training and obedience lifetime guarantee